In June, the Community Foundation of Greater Flint (CFGF) welcomed its newest cohort of summer interns. Join us in getting to know Christa Young, our Communications Intern; Jordynn Todosciuk, our Community Impact Intern; Logan Reed, our Access to Healthy Foods Intern; and Sloane Crawford, our Development Intern. Learn more about their backgrounds, current projects, and future aspirations.

Christa Young

Christa Young-Communications Intern

Christa Young, a student at Michigan State University in the College of Communication Arts and Science, is majoring in Journalism and Public Relations.

Throughout the summer, Young will attend community events and create content to amplify prominent Flint stories, with a focus on the Community Safety Collaborative. In partnership with Flint Beat, Young is creating a multimedia short film to emphasize the impact of gun violence in the Flint community.

Young says that she looks forward to joining conversations and offering perspectives to fresh ideas, while gaining industry insights.

“I hope to learn more about the various ways to reach a target audience and what factors to consider when engaging an audience that may not be accustomed to getting involved in their community,” Young said.


Jordynn Todosciuk-Community Impact Intern

Jordynn Todosciuk joins CFGF while working toward her master’s in social work at Michigan State University on macro social work.

During her internship, Todosciuk assists with data entry and analysis for the 2024 Neighborhood Small Grants Program, concentrating on social mapping and asset-based community development.

Todosciuk says that the behind-the-scenes work she is taking part in at CFGF, such as working with organizations in the Community Safety Collaborative and learning more about data entry will strengthen her future in the macro social work field.

“After graduation, I plan on working in the field of macro social work, such as helping an organization with funds, resources, and support,” Todosciuk said. “My goal is to help solve the bigger challenges that can help so many.”


Logan Reed-Access to Healthy Foods Intern

Logan Reed, a “Super Senior” in his fifth year at Mott Middle Early College, joins CFGF to gain experience in a field he is most interested in.

As an intern, Reed has the opportunity to implement a $20,000 grant from the J.A. Grifols Foundation to set up a food market that includes produce from Flint Fresh.

"I like the role that the Community Foundation plays in the city; they support projects both small and large which benefit the population,” Reed said.

Reed is “almost certain” that he will return to Flint after he obtains an undergraduate degree.

“I just know I want to be here, benefiting the people in the city I care about in a way that I both enjoy and feel I make a positive change,” Reed said.


Sloane Crawford-Development Intern

Sloane Crawford, from Michigan State University’s Eli Broad College of Business, is majoring in Marketing with a minor in Sales Leadership.

During her internship, Crawford is expanding and updating donor lists, utilizing the iPhi data platform for development tasks, shadowing staff in donor interactions, and assisting young professionals in understanding how CFGF can support their philanthropic efforts.

"One thing I love about CFGF is knowing that donations benefit local projects. I also enjoy how much support the Community Foundation provides the community," Crawford said.

At the end of her internship, Crawford will create a reflection project about her experience as a Development Intern. After graduation, she hopes to find a position that incorporates her internship experience along with her Marketing and Sales Leadership skills.