For 30 years, the Community Foundation of Greater Flint has worked with Flint residents to identify the changes they want to see in their neighborhoods. We know that lasting change happens when residents have the resources to drive the kind of change they want to see where they live, work, and play. With the support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Ruth Mott Foundation, Huntington Bank, and the Community Foundation, over $2.2 million has been granted to 377 organizations from the Flint Neighborhoods Small Grants Program Fund.

west polaski block club
West Polaski Block Club

The Neighborhoods Small Grants Program supports established and emerging citizen-based groups or organizations in moderate to low-income neighborhoods in and near the City of Flint to develop projects that address pressing issues within their neighborhoods; build alliances with other community institutions; and develop community-based leadership.

The intended outcomes of grants are:

  • Community members actively engage in community change efforts
  • Community members view themselves as stakeholders who can partner with institutions to address critical issues
  • Community members have pride in their neighborhoods and motivation to continue their work

The 2025 Neighborhood Small Grants Program grant application period is open until March 17, 2025. Apply here. 


Support the Neighborhoods Small Grants Program Fund

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