The Community Foundation of Greater Flint(CFGF) serves as an integrating force throughout Genesee County, helping its residents create a viable and vibrant community in which all people can thrive.
The Community Foundation’s grantmaking priorities give focus to its mission of serving the common good. CFGF informs its grantmaking process by being steeped in community knowledge, relying on the contributions of foundation staff and trustees, and a broad and diverse group of community volunteers. Each year, the foundation awards grants to nonprofit organizations from its discretionary funds through a competitive grantmaking process. Grants may come from a variety of funds held at the Community Foundation.
Please note that the Community Foundation of Greater Flint does not make discretionary grants to organizations that discriminate based on ethnicity, race, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, economic circumstance, physical/mental abilities and characteristics, or marital status. This policy is not designed to deny grants to organizations serving defined populations to help those populations overcome historic discrimination; but exists to prohibit grants to organizations whose policies and practices single out particular groups to deny service, employment, or participation to them.
How To Apply
Since our founding in 1988, we have invested more than $186 million through grants and scholarships. Find more information on how to apply here.

Community Funds
The measure of a community foundation is how well it represents and reflects the community it serves. Within Genesee County are several communities that have endowed community funds: Clio, Davison, Fenton, Flushing or Grand Blanc. These funds bring together the thinking of local leadership to best meet community needs.